How Effective is Electro-Acupuncture for Pain Relief?
Conventional electric acupuncture involves inserting a needle into an acupuncture point and connecting an electric stimulator to the needle, providing constant stimulation. This method is used to achieve good results by applying constant stimulation to the acupoints in traditional acupuncture treatment. Electro-acupuncture is a technique that uses electrical stimulation to achieve the best results from acupuncture. Numerous studies and papers have been published on electrical stimulation therapy.
Electrical stimulation therapy has positive effects on pain relief due to its circulatory enhancing effect. For example, existing electrical stimulation muscle treatments involve attaching an electrical stimulation patch to the skin or indirectly stimulating the deep muscle using an ultrasound therapy device. However, these treatments only provide indirect stimulation and are therefore less effective. Electro-acupuncture promotes blood circulation and regeneration processes by directly inserting needles into the problematic muscles to exercise them.
To obtain better results when treating pain, it is necessary to treat all muscles involved in the pain simultaneously. Muscles are organic compounds, so when one area fails to operate correctly, other muscles compensate. If the problematic muscle is not treated due to various factors such as work, stress, or bad posture, it can lead to chronic pain. Therefore, instead of treating only the muscle that causes the pain (Major), auxiliary muscles (Minor) that help the muscle must also be treated together to achieve more effective results.
The author has been using electro-acupuncture for many years by inserting needles into the problematic muscle (Major) and supporting muscles (Minor) and conducting treatment through electrical stimulation. This technique has been modified from traditional acupuncture treatment to fit modern acupuncture treatment methods, resulting in better treatment outcomes. Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that has been developed and inherited based on experience, and it will continue to be further developed in the future.